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It is not the capitalist system that has invented the concept of supply and demand. History is filled to the brim with tales of commerce and trading. For centuries, it has been natural for mankind to offer, and thus to sell on the market, distinct services in order to facilitate the achievement of potential buyers’ business goals.

Thus the question is as follows: How to present services as an efficient solution and this, while ensuring a good understanding of the interlocutors’ needs? Listening, paying attention and the interest shown toward various prospects, such as entrepreneurs and decision-makers, are essential aspects to ensure the junction and synergy between the supply and demand of the market.

Despite businesses and their developers having the mission of selling their goods and services, they must not do it for their commercial advantages or professional quotas. Suppliers of solutions, as bright as they may be, would rather better understand the difficulties and ambitions of their buyers to better accompany and support them in a just and concordant way.

Only this noble mindset will bring out the desire to resort to our services! It will give a want to invest time and money to ensure the profitability of required investments! Using this process of pure correspondence, the new client will be happy to pay the fees billed by the supplier since they will be convinced this will solve their problematics, the same which were keeping them from attaining their business and organizational goals. In short, yes, the need to acquire a good or a service is intrinsically linked to human nature. And “acquisition” is never far from “offer”.

With its MPO management program, CRÉACOR is of course in the game! Our consulting firm’s raison d’être is to answer the needs and expectations of leaders and governance managers with its service offer in the field of human resources.

In parallel, its specialized training, offered online or in person, gives additional tools for these professionals. While the specialized training in management and organizational performance will allow you to understand the personalities of each of your employees, the training Interactive Dynamics at Work (DIT) will offer communication tools to better encourage collaboration between employees.