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Language is this vehicle which lets us join the other, to communicate our intention and to understand theirs.

We have recorded over 7,000 languages and dialects on Earth, so it is impossible and useless to enumerate them here.

In an organization, there are certainly non-official languages which, if poorly interpreted, can bring their own share of problems. I am not referring to formal languages such as English, French, or some reference to Arabic, Hispanic or Germanic cultures.

Rather, I am speaking of words, concepts or mental references taken from personality traits and codes of cognitive significations from each member!

Words and expressions that are significant for introverts will not necessarily be the same expressed by extroverts. The attachment to words such as synergy, collegiality, and trend popularity will absolutely not have the same affective resonance for those who are moved by words such as factual, technical and objective proof.

The ideas and verbal expressions used by individuals with a generalist temperament like… globally, pretty much, not important since it’s a detail, will certainly not be a pleasing sound to the ears of our specialists for whom the words precision, reservation and meticulously are gospel!

The pragmatics will not grant the same credibility to the linguistic echoes of a speaker who feeds off abstract concepts, intangible and which seem to only be a figment of their imagination.

The MPO psychometric approach and the management seminar contribute in their own way to teach decision-makers and HR leaders to adjust their language to be better understood but to also better grasp the meaning of others’ speech.

Thus the person who expresses words associated to caution, to a sense of duty, to rigor will have to lead and guide the interlocutor more at ease in their own neuro-linguistic program with the words risk, liberty and autonomy.

In the same way, words such as fight, win, lead will always have to adjust to those who would rather say words like consensus, harmony and cooperation.

Yes, I do rightfully believe that our transfer of knowledge with the MPO seminar can contribute to adjust the communications of semantics that are so dissimilar between humans in their life in an organization!

Daniel Huot